To support you in your education research, we're hosting two webinars on AI tools for use in education research. 
  • Thursday, August 8, 12pm ET / 11am CT / 9am PT / UTC -5 - Drs. Richardson, Brenner, and Sergi from Mississippi State University walk us through some of their findings from recent research compiling literature and a comprehensive list of tools. They will focus on several of the tools that they have used and that other education researchers may find helpful. They'll also highlight when and how to use the tools, including tradeoffs and ethics. Registration:
  • Thursday, August 22, 12pm ET / 11am CT / 9am PT / UTC -5 - Join us as Dr. Julie M. Smith, Senior Education Researcher at IACE, shares ideas for using AI in education research. After a brief introduction to AI designed for non-specialists, she will outline best practices for you when using AI in light of the ethical issues that it raises. Then, she’ll share tools that have the potential to improve your research process. Registration:
If you are unable to attend but would still like to watch the recorded webinars, please register and we will send a zoom link afterwards for viewing. 

KI-Pilotschulprojekt geht schleppend voran
Beitrag DIGITAL.LEBEN OE1 vom 4. Juli 2024

Juli 2024 - KI, der Heilsbringer für die Lehrerschaft ...

Lernmaterialien, bereitgestellt von Google ...

... und TIPPS/WERKZEUGE für Lehrer

Alles nur ein Hype? Diskussion auf

Adobe Acrobat Dokument 2.2 MB
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.4 MB

Nachlese und Material: 16.11.2021 
"How do we develop AI education in schools?"

The video of the session is now available to watch here.
We have also published a blogpost about the panel event,
as well as a page containing useful resources related to AI, machine learning and data science.

Ein ambitioniertes Webinar/BOOTCAMP ... (Juli 2024)

März 2022 - Interessante AI-Projekte von Schülern/Studierenden (US)

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AI Literacy nur Amerika, oder auch Europa, und ...
Hier gibt es auch ein 20 Fragen Quiz!

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Dürfen aber trotzdem angeklickt werden!

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